Growing Smiles is proud to sponsor various local events and youth sports in the Chesterfield, Richmond, and St. Clair Shores communities. We are thrilled to play an active role in all of our communities! Be sure to look for the Growing Smiles team at these events and enjoy some freebies on us!

Local Sponsorships
Richmond Trap
Richmond High School Football Scoreboard
Armada Baseball Association
Richmond Little League
Richmond High School Baseball
Memphis High School Football
Anchor Bay High School Lacrosse Dinner
New Haven High School Volleyball
University Liggett School
St. Clair Shores Hockey Association
The Ford House
The Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce
St. Clair Shores Parks and Recreation
The Grosse Pointe Red Barrons
Lac St. Clair Baseball and Softball
St. Clair Baseball and Softball
Grosse Pointe Woods-Shores Baseball Association
Grosse Pointe Farms-City Baseball Association
Youth Dental Education Series
Algonac Elementary
Blue Water Head Start
East China Preschool
Higgins Elementary
Millside Elementary
Will L. Lee Elementary
Richmond Preschool
Belle River Elementary
Carkenord Elementary
St. Mary's Preschool
Green Elementary
Burdi Childhood Center
New Haven Preschool
Morton Elementary
Memphis Preschool
Atwood Elementary
King Academy
Armada Preschool
My Virtual Academy
The Grosse Pointe Academy
Ardmore Elementary
Do you have a sponsorship opportunity?
Please contact or
with more information about your organization and event.