Why would I consider General Anesthesia?
Outpatient General Anesthesia is recommended for apprehensive children, very young children, and children with special needs that cannot use either conscious or I.V. sedation. It's also idea for patients who need a lot of dental treatments done at one time.
Treatment under General Anesthesia in a hospital setting may be an option for the safety, health and comfort of you child, and is often necessary to provide quality dental care. Our doctors will assess your child’s needs and come up with an individualized plan that will work best for your child and family. Currently we provide these services through McLaren Hospital Port Huron and Royal Oak Beaumont.
Typical procedures include:
White Fillings
Stainless Steel Crowns
Nerve Treatments
The Growing Smiles dental team will be there at the hospital with the patient, along with an Anesthesiologist and Nurse Anesthetist. Most procedures are outpatient so patients can go home that afternoon and relax.
Whether you’re a current patient family or looking for a new dental home, we’re happy to discuss these types of dental options with you.
For your convenience, we've outlined instructions for prior to and after your child's appointment. Please download here.